Today on C4: Rob sits down with some famous people, such as Zhang Zizhong and Pet Shop Boys. Stuart honors the fans by singing in the style of the latter. Shutup!
Today on C4: Check out Mike Tyson's hilarious voice and Pacific Rim's hilarious subtitling. Also, the Sound Stage Music Awards are upcoming, for you Chinese music fans out there... as is the duck. The duck is most definitely coming.
Today on C4: Rob and Stuart do their own "how hot is it outside?" test, and realize it's way too hot to be doing outdoor tests. Also, we think Rob may be losing his mind. Stay for the outtakes.
Today on C4: Remember that story about the father who was a bit too good at hide-and-seek and hid in the water so that his son couldn't find him? Totally fake. You can thank the CRI folks for that. RUMORMONGERERS. To rectify their sin, C4 hosts Rob and Stuart played hide-and-seek with Benny Hill music. A lot of Benny Hill music. A lot of Benny Hill music. MADNESS.