“My Family Runs The Public Security Bureau” Is The New “My Dad Is Li Gang”

Lu Jianbo
This is an update to our 2 am post about Lu Jianbo, the civil servant in Jiangsu province who attacked a woman with a knife on Friday night while reportedly shouting, “My family runs the public security bureau! Killing people is not a problem!” (“公安局是我家开的, 杀死人没问题!”) The raw footage of the incident remains cleansed from Youku, where it first... Read more »

Son Of High-Ranking Jiangsu Province Public Security Bureau Official Caught On Tape Knifing Woman

Li Jianbo-caused injuries featured image
The man seen with the knife is apparently Lu Jianbo, son of the deputy political commissar of the Jiangsu Province Public Security Bureau. The PSB's Weibo has confirmed that Lu is under "investigation," which should be aided by the video above, taken Friday night, in which Lu wields a knife at a woman on the ground, cutting her a reported 34 times (images after the jump).