Son Of High-Ranking Jiangsu Province Public Security Bureau Official Caught On Tape Knifing Woman

The man seen with the knife is apparently Lu Jianbo, son of the deputy political commissar of the Jiangsu Province Public Security Bureau. The PSB’s Weibo has confirmed that Lu is under “investigation,” which should be aided by the video above, taken Friday night, in which Lu wields a knife at a woman on the ground, cutting her a reported 34 times (images after the jump).

The victim somehow manages to get on her feet and retreat behind a door, at which point an obviously incensed Lu tries to kick down the barrier, gesticulating wildly, and, according to Weibo, shouting, “My family started the Public Security Bureau! Killing people is not a problem!” UPDATE, 3:21 pm: “My family runs the Public Security Bureau” is probably a better translation for “公安局是我家开的.”

The victim suffered tendon and nerve damage on the hand, and was cut pretty badly on the legs. She said the dispute was over an illegally built house (or extension of one). No idea how it escalated to the point it did. Youku video for those in China after the jump. UPDATE, 10:42 am: They’ve scrubbed all videos of “Lu Jianbo” from Youku. You’ll get a news story via Tudou instead.

UPDATE: Follow-up post here.

    7 Responses to “Son Of High-Ranking Jiangsu Province Public Security Bureau Official Caught On Tape Knifing Woman”

    1. David Fieldman

      There is something now so fundamentally wrong and sick in this society where the sons and daughters of high-level officials, fuerdai, hongerdai and others act with impunity, while shouting obscenities or shouts of bravado as to who their father or relative is.
      These people must be dealt with to the full extent of the law. The government has a responsibility to bring these bullies and “self-deserving” low-lives to trial with complete transparency.
      No leniency for any of them irrespective of who their fathers, mothers, grandparents or connections are, even going back to the revolutionary group who fought with Chairman Mao.
      Let the new leader, Xi Jingping begin his tenure as a man with a mission to stamp out these unconscionable acts, even punishing the parents and relatives of the perpetrators.


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