This week we introduced the 2nd annual Beijing Cream Bar and Club Awards (VOTE HERE), with 20 categories divided into four groups. We've saved the best for last, and look who's come around to write about Mr. Sex
There's not a doubt in my mind, and there should certainly be none in yours, that this group of categories is the most important. If you look at the content allowed by the owner and proprietor of BJC, you'll see that he is actually catering to the deepest and darkest urges of blog readers.
This week we introduced the 2nd annual Beijing Cream Bar and Club Awards, with 20 categories divided into four groups. Here's Hannah Lincoln with a closer look at the group Little Miss Dance.
You’re two beers and three shots in, and it suddenly dawns on you that it is your God-given mission to share your sexiness with the world (or at least with Beijing’s other dance-floor lepers). Bearing that cross, you drag your friends to the nearest club (sidewalks of dancing ayis notwithstanding), ready to commit some serious sacrilege.
This week we introduced the 2nd annual Beijing Cream Bar and Club Awards (VOTE HERE), with 20 categories divided into four groups. We've invited a man who knows a thing or two about flaming shots, time traveling, methanol hangovers, and the magical curative properties of a McDonald's breakfast sandwich to take a closer look at the group Mr. Drunk.
This week we introduced the 2nd annual Beijing Cream Bar and Club Awards (VOTE HERE), with 20 categories divided into four groups. Here's Kelly Mason, a good foreigner, with a closer look at the group Mr. Laowai.
Beijing expats may as well have been brought up in a magnificent castle, driven thence into this wonderland of partying and booze. Like all who emerge from relative privilege into physical decadence and spiritual morass, we are a self-centered lot, and so it is that we need a bar and club awards to tell us what we really want to know: where can we hang out with the kind who share our patois? what should we avoid due to the old sots and risk of disfigurement? where to get laid?
Yes, it's awards season time, when the city's very best are honored via reader vote, alongside the pretty good and the somewhat bad and all the rest. In that spirit, the 2nd annual Beijing Cream Bar and Club Awards honors 108 bar/club nominees (we've combined Punk/Mesh, Mix/Vics, and GT/Coco Banana) across 20 categories split into four groups.
We held our Bar and Club Awards party on Saturday. Thank you to the 80 of you who voted. We now know which place to go watch English teachers make fools of themselves, and which place do you go if you’re seeking blue balls, and which place do you go if you hate conversation and want... Read more »
Between drinking out of a boat — the 500-millitier Dead Guy Rogue draft for 55 yuan (multiple by three because of the buy-two-get-one-free deal) — and schmoozing over flip cup, I took pictures of last night’s big awards party at Kro’s Nest. Thanks to those who skipped Punk’s closing party to drink with us. Hulk Hogan... Read more »
The BJC Bar and Club Awards party is this Saturday at 11 pm at Sanlitun Kro’s Nest. Say you’re there for Beijing Cream and all drinks will be buy two, get one free. The theme is HUNGER GAMES. Yesterday, Kevin Reitz came by to explain what the men should wear. Today, we have Piper Fisco here to offer... Read more »