On This Gorgeous Day, Let Us Listen To The Erhu

Chinese erhu featured image
I'm not usually one to talk about weather, but today is one of those perfect spring days you could, with a straight face, call redolent. Have yourself a walk and see if good memories don't find a way into your mind. Not to mention dreams of a good year, a bountiful harvest of the spirit.

Chillax With Jason Chu’s “Love Letter To Beijing”

Jason Chu Love Letter to Beijing
Jason Chu, from New York City to Beijing, is leaving in three weeks for Los Angeles, and he claims on his website that it's for good (but not without a party -- "You are ALL INVITED to 'Goodbye, Beijing.' – a farewell concert, EP release party, and video premiere coming 4/21 in Beijing’s 798 Art District"). He released the above video on Sunday as a preview. Check it out. Youku video for those in China after the jump, as well as lyrics.

Male Chinese ‘Tour Guide’ And Female American ‘Student’ Keen To The Night About This Perplexing, Desolate, Wonderful City Called Beijing

Male Chinese ‘Tour Guide’ And Female American ‘Student’ Keen To The Night About This Perplexing, Desolate, Wonderful City Called Beijing
The above video first appeared on Youku four days ago and currently has nearly 48,000 views. The two singers -- a Chinese tour guide and an American student, according to the video's somewhat melodramatic description (They are a guide, a student. It was tourism that made them acquaintances, a song that made them familiars, reality that made them bewildered) -- present their version of "Beijing Beijing"《北京北京》. Judging by the video's comments, the duo has struck a chord.