Please Enjoy This Adorable Red Panda Named Firefox Doing Pull-Ups In Fuzhou

This is already more than a week old, but it’s too good to dismiss on those grounds. Check out this red panda at the Fuzhou Panda World in Fujian province, being all adorable to ridiculous levels. His name is Firefox, and it’s no mere raccoon. In this 30-second clip, it basically makes everyone forget that other type of panda.

We’re told the red pandas at this reserve can also balance on balls and ride electric vehicles. Seriously, much cooler than these guys.

Check it:

Red panda does pull-ups 2

I mean, c’mon, this is hardly fair:

Red panda does pull-ups 1

Whereas pandas are cute due to clumsiness or whatever, red pandas do calisthenics — and then probably head to a high-end bar to knock back a cold one with the fitness instructor. I think we know which species evolution favors.

(H/T Alicia)

    6 Responses to “Please Enjoy This Adorable Red Panda Named Firefox Doing Pull-Ups In Fuzhou”

    1. marme

      This animal is called a firefox in english. It is the symbol for the firefox webrowser. red panda comes from one of the chinese names of this animal 红熊猫 the other being 小熊猫. Oddly enough the closest living species to it are racoons and weasels. It is only distantly related to the giant panda

    2. Green Guy

      These are wild animals and the Red Panda is endangered. They should not be trained to do circus acts. Promoting stunts like this is driving species like this out of their habitats and into concrete zoos to play act for humans without dignity.

      You have no idea what that animal had to suffer to be trained to do that. Shame on you for saying it is ‘cute’. It isn’t. It is barbaric.

      • rageMeh

        Their being “cute” and being able to perform stupid human tricks has had nothing to do with their disappearance in the natural world. Let me also suggest that you “have no idea what that animal had to suffer” either. You can feel offended and sad by the video, but you don’t need to pretend that it represents some terrible injustice that it just doesn’t. Your righteous indignation and hyperbolic tone diminish that grain of truth at the heart of your complaint… Humans will destroy the world. and we’ll do it while laughing, clapping, and saying “isn’t that cute”. this video is just a reminder of that… not a cause of anything… and isn’t just adorable?

        • Jon

          “Their being “cute” and being able to perform stupid human tricks has had nothing to do with their disappearance in the natural world.”

          Yes it has; consider the bigger picture. You are a hypocrite.


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