Beijing Woman Blows Up, Basically [Video]

Woman blows herself up Beijing featured image
[youtube] Shocking surveillance footage, recently released, shows a woman basically exploding because she happened to stand next to a sewage drain during an underground explosion. The incident happened on November 30 outside the east gate of Chaoyang District’s Taiyanggong State Fair. 

Asia Society is seeking a Beijing-based photographer. Maybe you?

China Air Daily
If you live in Beijing and enjoy taking pictures, there’s a job opening that might interest you. The Asia Society Center on US-China Relations is losing its Beijing photographer and needs a replacement to take one pic per day of the city’s skyline as part of its ongoing China Air Daily project, produced by Michael Zhao.

“Beijing Bellies” Is The Video You’ve Always Wanted To Make, But Didn’t

Beijing Bellies featured image
Unless you’re Michael Fischer, who strung together these pictures of Beijing men exposing their round bellies to the heat. It’s the video we’ve all thought of making at some point in time – our cartoonist Torval has been talking about a similar “Babes of Beijing” calendar for a year now. Obviously this video would’ve been more... Read more »

The Anthill: What A Difference A Year Makes

The Anthill
As with dog years, so is it with China years – one here is equivalent to several most places else. They just fit more in. When it comes to pace of change, no-one else holds a candle really. I’ve been out of China for two years. For a dog, that’s ten human years, and you could argue the rate for China is about the same. It’s like leaving London shortly after the millenium and coming back for the Olympics. Recognisable, but look closer and you notice all the new things.

Beijing Finally Gets With Times, Will Use AQI Index That Measures PM 2.5

After a year of public demands, Beijing’s municipal government has finally agreed to measure air pollution using the Air Quality Index (AQI), which most pollution-watchers should be familiar with thanks to the US Embassy’s air quality monitor. Reports Global Times: Beijing is tossing out its hazy Air Pollution Index and replacing it with a new... Read more »

Police Detain Mother In Beijing Petitioning For Improved Subway Safety (Because Her Son Was Electrocuted)

Mother detained Beijing subway petitioner 2
Remember, you can do anything in China as long as you don’t subvert the state, anger the wrong people, or — as one subway petitioner found out — “disturb social order.” Meng Zhaohong, whose son was electrocuted at Gulou Station in 2010 when he was a 22-year-old student, has been petitioning for safer subways around... Read more »