Fars News Agency (FNA), describing itself as "Iran's leading independent news agency," reported yesterday that a senior Chinese lawmaker "reiterated that Beijing attaches great importance to the further expansion of economic, political and industrial ties with Tehran."
This is quite the bouleversement of your typical corruption story. Usually — because we’re in China — we hear about Chinese officials and businessmen whose unsavory ethics and practices land them in hot water. This case out of Indiana, however, is about an American using guanxi to swindle Chinese. Shuang Monica Liang — recently dead of a... Read more »
Why yes, it did snow today in Beijing. Photo by Marko Kudjerski via China Digital Times Wow, did anyone else catch the Beijing-Xinjiang CBA game tonight? What a finish! Stoked links.
Via Hong Wrong: “Photos from 1962 of Mainland Refugees Fleeing Famine Rejected by HK.” Happy Human Rights Day, everyone. Mo Yan is getting his Nobel Prize later today, by the way. Links.
Via NBC News Photo Blog, explanation after the jump. Just a reminder that Beijing SantaCon is tomorrow, and the Beijinger Super Quiz is Sunday. Your weekend-is-here links.
Via Tea Leaf Nation: “Chinese Hospital ‘Warmly Congratulates’ Itself on Number of Sick People.” If you haven’t already, a reminder to register your trivia team for the Beijinger’s annual Super Quiz this Sunday. I’ll be one of the question presenters, so we’ll be talking more about this soon. For now, links.
You might not know it yet (or maybe you do), but it’s definitely Christmas season in Beijing. This is either good or bad. We’ll let you decide over links.
Via Washington Post, a map in the new Chinese passport that “shows a version of China that includes disputed territory claimed by India, a vast stretch of the South China Sea, including islands claimed by several other countries, and the entirety of Taiwan.” The Beijing Ducks are 2-0 after their 110-102 win in Jilin yesterday.... Read more »