Another Case Of Interspecies Weaning

Dog nurses white tigers featured image
Last week, we saw a dog nurse three kittens. Not to be outdone, a hero bitch in Shangdong province has taken it upon herself to nurse four of a much larger species of cat. On the same day that she gave birth to two puppies, Laifu was asked (forced?) by wildlife zoo attendants in Rongcheng to nurse four white tiger cubs whose mother, Afang, had abandoned them.

Viral Video Of The Day: Hamster Plays Dead When “Shot” By Owner [UPDATE]

Hamster plays dead
Here's video of a hamster that plays dead when his owner pretends to shoot him with his finger. The video was posted on Sina only yesterday at 11 am, but it's already received nearly 372,000 views there, not to mention 5,127 forwards on the Sina Weibo page of @YouTube萌宠 as of this moment. Netizens have dubbed the hamster the "ying di" -- literally, "emperor of film," but really meaning simply "Best Actor."