Here’s An Aerial View Of That Rooftop Temple In Shenzhen

Shenzhen rooftop temple
A microblogger recently noticed a temple built upon the roof of a housing complex in Shenzhen, AFP reports, because why wouldn't there be a temple there? It seems like Zhang Biqin of Beijing isn't the only person into that sort of thing. The temple sits on top of a 21-storey apartment. The suspected owners haven't been identified, and media have not been able to get them on the record to ask ,WTF?

Forbidden Little City: A Tilt-Shift Short Film

Forbidden City in miniature 1
Joerg Daiber of Spoon Film has just released the latest in the "Little Big World" series, in which tilt-shift photography is employed to miniaturize familiar sights in the world around us. The result is pretty cool.