Friday Night Musical Outro: White+ – Red

White - Red
The "electro formation" White+ (evolved out of "White") is playing at School Bar tomorrow alongside another Maybe Mars band, Snapline. Josh Feola of Smart Beijing calls this band a "complex beast," and one of the more important players in the city's contemporary music scene. Worth a look if you're down for indie music in a comfy setting.

General Luo Yuan’s Sina Weibo Account Remains The Greatest (As He Would Eagerly Tell You)

Luo Yuan Sina Weibo
In one his first Weibo posts, General Luo Yuan described social media as a critical “battleground” in modern society. As his first week on the service draws to a close, it seems that his comparison was spot on, though he appears to have misjudged the combatants. His use of the service for bizarre and blatant... Read more »