Two Dunks In Particular Made Sunday’s Beijing-Shanxi Game Kind Of Awesome; Also: Marbury’s Tears Of Joy

Two Dunks In Particular Made Sunday’s Beijing-Shanxi Game Kind Of Awesome
Stephon Marbury has had his rebirth, his redemption, and now his catharsis -- in the form of a good, long cry. In the waning moments of Sunday's Game 5, which saw Beijing oust Shanxi to claim its first CBA finals appearance in its 17-year history, cameras appeared to catch Marbury shedding a few tears on the court. But it was in the tunnels afterwards -- the bathroom, to be precise -- that he really broke down, crying "like a young child," according to the TV journalist in the next video. He then embraced his head coach. When he finally composed himself to talk to the assembled media, he said, "Man, this is the best feeling I ever had playing basketball."

Live-Blog Of Tonight’s Shanxi-Beijing Game 5

Shanxi vs. Beijing Game 5
Some tickets for tonight’s deciding fifth game between Shanxi and Beijing are going for more than 10,000 yuan, according to CCTV’s courtside reporter. Security is at maximum. Don’t even think about taking in lighters, bottles or any miscellany that can be thrown (paraphrasing Stephon Marbury: Beijing is not Shanxi). Join us for our live-blog of the... Read more »

A Short Video In Which Marbury Refers To Shanxi Fans In Classic Understatement

A Short Video In Which Marbury Refers To Shanxi Fans In Classic Understatement featured image
The above is taken from a BTV preview of tomorrow's deciding Game 5 in Beijing. Sunday's incident in Shanxi is only alluded to because everyone is already pretending it wasn't a big deal. Asked about what Beijing's fans will be like, Stephon Marbury proceeds to bumble through 12 seconds of an answer before finally giving in to the temptation to diss Shanxi's fans, albeit gently. One sort of wishes he would've just come out and said they were pieces of shit, because they sure seemed like it.

Marbury Says Fan Who Accused Him Of Punching, Kicking Him Has ‘Wild Imagination’

Marbury Says Fan Who Accused Him Of Punching, Kicking Him Has ‘Wild Imagination’
At the 53-second mark in the above video, the Shanxi fan who accuses Stephon Marbury of punching him in the head and then kicking him after Sunday night's game tells the journalist: Because there were too many (Shanxi) fans, too crowded, when Marbury came out, the fans were careless so they squeezed around him. He (Marbury) had a water bottle in his hand and hit me square in the head, knocked me to the ground and kicked me in the face.

Stephon Marbury Has Been Accused Of Sending A Shanxi Fan To The Hospital; In Other News, Shanxi Should Be Stripped Of Its Basketball Team

Beijing-Shanxi postgame
Tudou video for those in China after the jump. UPDATE: Video of accuser and Marbury’s response: “He got a wild imagination.” First, let me say as plainly and firmly as possible that the end of last night’s Beijing-Shanxi game was a joke. I’ll repeat here what I tweeted last night in apoplexy: the referees were intimidated by Shanxi’s fans and gave... Read more »

The Rebirth Of Stephon Marbury

The rebirth of Stephon Marbury
The video after the jump depicts a Stephon Marbury unlike any you’ve seen. At 35 — currently winding down his third and best season in the Chinese Basketball Association (he just scored 52 and 53 points in consecutive games in the CBA semifinals, against his former team, the Shanxi Zhongyu Brave Dragons, no less) — he’s... Read more »

These CBA All-Stars Did Irrevocable Damage To The Game Of Basketball Last Night

These CBA All-Stars Did Irrevocable Damage To The Game Of Basketball Last Night
The CBA All-Star game was last night in Guangzhou, with the very first minute portending an evening of heroic fails. The southern all-stars sprinted out to miss their first three shots, all three-pointers. Their first two buckets were scored by former Dallas Maverick Wang Zhizhi, whom a less discerning fan could be excused for thinking was dead. Still, the North still found itself down 11 near the end of the first quarter, ball in Stephon Marbury's hands, when the above happened.