Tidal Bores Continue To Delight While Typhoon Usagi Kills

Tidal bore
A tidal bore, in which "the leading edge of an incoming tide forms a wave (or waves) of water that travels up a river or narrow bay against the direction of the river or bay's current," as defined by Wikipedia, caused hundreds to gather at the bank of Qiantang River Haining, Zhejiang Province yesterday.

Watch This Surprise Marriage Proposal At Beijing Improv

Tomas and Jenia featured image
At a recent Beijing Improv show, Tomas was called up on stage as a volunteer and asked if he knew anyone in the crowd that could join him in a little game. He picked his girlfriend, Jenia. The two stood on opposite sides of the stage, acting as the ends of a telephone line, with their words transmitted from one to the other via two Improv performers.

Charles Xue Apologizes On National TV For Being An Internet Celebrity

Charles Xue apologies on news
Several places have reported on this, but Global Voices wins top-link for its headline: "Opinion Leader Charles Xue Forced to Prostitute Himself on Chinese State TV." Indeed, above, you'll see Xue, an investor and influential social media presence, issuing one long self-criticism about the pratfalls of celebritydom. Remember, this was a guy who was arrested ostensibly for solicitation. Everyone has always speculated that it was actually for his outspokenness, which Xue seems to have confirmed with his 10-minute self-flagellation.

Guangzhou Storehouse Explosion Kills At Least 4 [UPDATE]

Guangzhou storehouse explosion 1
Another explosion rocked southern China, this time in Guangzhou. At 11:50 am today, according to Xinhua, a storehouse in the Ezhangtan area of Baiyun district went up in flame, rubble, and smoke. Four are confirmed dead, and at least 36 others injured. The exact cause is unknown, but initial reports are that -- unlike the blast outside a Guilin primary school yesterday -- this was an accident.