Austrian Michael Kemeter Free-Climbs Changsha’s Tallest Building, Leaps Off

Sometimes it’s not enough to scale, sans safety equipment, a 268-meter building that happens to be the highest in the Hunan capital of Changsha. You have to finish with a flourish.

On Sunday, Austrian daredevil Michael Kemeter made his way to the top of Changsha’s highest skyscraper, taking about 90 minutes to climb nearly 900 feet and 45 stories. Then he leapt, throwing open a green parachute that allowed him to drift to safety amid cheering spectators.

We wonder if the world of Chinese-skyscraper-climbers is competitve. French “Spiderman” Alain Roberts also climbed 268 meters — to a platform on the Fortaleza tower in Zhengzhou, Henan province — last September.

Here are a couple of screenshots from the video of Kemeter’s climb.

Michael Kemeter jumps off Changsha's highest building 1
Michael Kemeter jumps off Changsha's highest building 2

    2 Responses to “Austrian Michael Kemeter Free-Climbs Changsha’s Tallest Building, Leaps Off”

    1. asdfg

      Still like the french dude’s climbs more. He just shows up at your building and starts heading up, with police absolutely lost as to what to do.


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