Stephon Marbury Has Been Accused Of Sending A Shanxi Fan To The Hospital; In Other News, Shanxi Should Be Stripped Of Its Basketball Team

Beijing-Shanxi postgame
Tudou video for those in China after the jump. UPDATE: Video of accuser and Marbury’s response: “He got a wild imagination.” First, let me say as plainly and firmly as possible that the end of last night’s Beijing-Shanxi game was a joke. I’ll repeat here what I tweeted last night in apoplexy: the referees were intimidated by Shanxi’s fans and gave... Read more »

Two Girls Committed Suicide Last Week, And Some Think The Tragedy Lies With TV Programming. That’s Shameful

You wouldn't watch this show?
By RFH We wanted to highlight our school suicide story earlier this week because we felt many of the elements surrounding the official reaction – subterfuge, censorship, a lack of respect for both the living and dead – were unfortunately far too common. Now comes another bleak story of teenage suicide – and the disgraceful... Read more »

The Story Of The Student Suicide That Wasn’t

Via Jinghua Times (link below)
By RFH On February 28, students of Yuying High School were gathering on the playground at 9:30 am for their daily morning exercise when a girl appeared on the 4th floor of a north building. “She was standing at the window of a Grade 11 classroom, naked, holding her clothes,” a student recalled. “We were all... Read more »

Guy On Art: He Sen’s Short-Lived Exhibition Showcases Journey To The West, Women In Undergarments

Monkeys do not have opinions on curatorial ethics.
Today Art Museum, a totally unprecedented factory-cum-gallery space (it’s not unprecedented at all), has done us all the favor of cutting back on the galleries to focus on what art lovers really want: posh restaurants and cafes. I could go on along this vein, but this review really isn’t about Today Art Museum, featuring a... Read more »

Today In Global Times Erotic Panda Fiction

Panda - GT
From Global Times, partially: Giant pandas Gongzai and Yingying seem unusually excited. Gongzai wants Yingying to come down from the tree and he tugs and slaps his half-brother’s legs. They both fall on their fluffy bottoms and start wrestling in a ball of black-white fur. After the fun is over they walk away and begin... Read more »

Foreigners In Beijing, This Is Why Cabbies Refuse To Take You Home From Sanlitun At 2 AM. Sorry, I Guess

Drake Moreau
The brutal winters of Beijing don't leave room for much activity, particularly for the expat in this spit-and-shit squat toilet of a city. Aside from sitting in your heated apartment watching Game of Thrones or Archer, pretty much the only other option on a Friday night is drinking the cold off your skin and making your way to a crowded smoky bar. This is a story of what happened when my friend – who we’ll call Drew – and I did just that last month.