Via MIC Gadget; Captain China is currently available on Kindle. Happy Children’s Day to everybody. If you’re a child reading this site, I congratulate you on your precociousness. If you’re an adult with a child’s mind reading this site, I regret to inform you that you’ve stumbled upon the wrong place. Perhaps you had meant... Read more »
An accident that killed eight people on Monday afternoon, via NetEase There’s a “Beijing Creatives” meeting happening right now at Great Leap Brewing, winner of the “Place in Which You’re Most Likely to Hear the Phrase ‘You’ve Probably Never Heard of Them’” award in the BJC Bar and Club Awards. Go check it out and show... Read more »
Students in Chengdu who are “on a ‘kill’ mission for illegally parked vehicles at the West China Second Affiliated Hospital of Sichuan University,” according to Want China Times. Happy Memorial Day for those in the US. We’ll have a relevant post about that soon, after links.
Image via ifeng, taken in Foshan. It’s been somewhat of a stressful day for the blog, considering our server went down for several hours. Apologies for it all, and the lateness of these links.
Thanks to all who took part in our decency test earlier today. Voting will stay open until basically forever, so feel free to vote more after these links.
Via China Media Project, featuring a cute essay by third-grader Yang Zhimei about the above photo. There were so many reads from the past two days that these Mid-Week Links will be presented in two parts. In this first part: Monday night to Tuesday afternoon (mostly) links.