After Running Over Pedestrians And Continuing To Run Over Them, Driver Lets Passenger Take The Blame [Graphic]

Holy-shit video time. Last Thursday in Zhengzhou, Henan province, surveillance cameras caught a driver running over a couple on the street — and then continue to run over them, and run over them, and run over them. (Viewer discretion is advised.)

The good news first: the pedestrians who were run over will survive, though they both suffered serious injuries.

Now the weird part: asked by a cop, on camera, who drove the car, a woman said, “Was me.” She then claimed that she confused the accelerator for the brake.

But look at the video again: at the 1:17 mark, it’s clear that the person who gets out from the driver’s side is a man. The woman’s husband, perhaps?

The video ends with the news anchor telling us that with this evidence, punishment is imminent. We damn sure hope so, cause it takes a heretofore unseen amount of cold-bloodedness to run over two people multiple times and then, only after escape is blocked by the limp, quivering body of your victim, let someone else take the blame.

(H/T Reddit)

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