It’s been a season of scandal for Yum Brands Inc., parent of KFC, which has been forced to apologize in response to a government investigation that found it was using pumped up and drugged out chicken from a local supplier. This has led to ticked off customers, decreasing sales and now a fallen stock price. From Reuters:
Yum shares fell 5.6 percent in after-hours trading, as Wall Street analysts and investors digested the disappointing news from the company that is widely seen as a model for how to do business in the complex Chinese market.
“This is going to take all the experts they have in public relations to stem the tide. I don’t think anyone saw this coming,” Edward Jones analyst Jack Russo said.
Yum reported a 6 percent drop in fourth-quarter sales at established restaurants in China due to “adverse publicity” regarding chemical residue found in some of its chicken supply.
One would think an international conglomerate like Yum would have the know-how to skillfully handle such a PR nightmare, especially in a country where food safety problems are an everyday concern.
Maybe not. Via Forbes:
At YUM’s analyst day on December 6, 2012, we asked CEO David C. Novak what his “defense” was to media exposes that one of KFC China’s suppliers had pumped its chicken full of chemicals to expedite their growth. The story prompted a furious social media reaction. His answer was “No worries. It will blow over.” When asked how, he shrugged: “It always has.”
This time it hasn’t blown over, and KFC is paying the price. As Bloomberg noted last month:
KFC sales in China in the last two weeks of December had a “significant impact” from “adverse publicity associated with a government review of China poultry supply,” the company said in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Monday. China same-store sales fell 6 percent in the fourth quarter, compared with a previous estimate for a decline of 4 percent, according to the filing.
It wasn’t long ago that KFC was being touted as one of the relatively few foreign companies that had figured out the Chinese market.
When I first heard about this little trouble, I admit I wanted to side with KFC. At least the company is subject to some regulations, which are more stringent because it’s a foreign company. Compared to gutter oil, KFC still looks pretty good.
But after some further thought (and a chat with my girlfriend), I’ve concluded that Yum actually deserves every bit of grief it’s getting. As a foreign company, KFC is automatically held in greater esteem by Chinese consumers, who trust its safety procedures. And it’s this trust that allows KFC to get away with charging higher prices.
In other words, a kind of social contract is in place where people will happily hand over more money in exchange for the guarantee of greater quality and safety. If Chinese regulators seemingly hold KFC to a higher double standard, good.
And when it messes up, it hurts all of us.
Sales are dropping. Stock is tanking. It’s gonna take a bit more than simply waiting for this situation to “blow over.” Maybe a PR campaign is in order? Remember KFC’s “handsome delivery boy” service reported a year ago? Now’s the time for it.
Hmm, guess I’ll have to switch from my dope-induced chicken wings on steroids to McDonald’s absolutely spotless Big Mac.
“No worries. It will blow over.”
Translation: “Fuck them. They can’t get enough of our shitty, overpriced dog food that no one in America would get caught dead eating.”
I hope Yum! pays hard for this massive fuck-up.
No-one has hacked into Beijing Cream”Believ ethat and weep when Tao spills the beans – which is shortly about to hapen. He aiit going to protecting his users then we can assure you. You cannot say you havent been warned folks. And Tao is shitting himself with the clues we have posted and he knows it and we know it.
Its all just a matter of time. Tao doesn’t know when. But we do. Just a little bit more, and you are done. Stay away if you do not want to be implicated in the biggest mess for a long time at Spring Festival.
The biggest mess? In a long time?? That’s great, I can’t wait!!
Is this akin to Schadenfreude with Chinese Characteristics?
Yay! Fuck KFC!
Oh, wait -
Is that the same crap chicken being sold in every unhygienic market all across the country?
Suddenly praying it’s somehow better~
You missed the point; the difference here is that Chinese people trusted that KFC was healthier than other options.
“Beijing Cream has not been hacked”
Yes it has and so has Tao’s personal email. WE ARE WATCHING YOUR IP ADDRESSES
A Clue: According to a December 11, 2012 entry, TAO had an appointment with Richard Young at the NFL offices at China World Tower 2 room 1913.
“Antfarmks5″ is his user name on the Beijinger.
you are very Interesting
Have you ever looked into a mans eyes and wAtched his soul fade?
Tormented his burnt and bloodiEd flesh,
twisting his shAtered bones while,
puLLing His intestines from his abdomen,
and feasting Upon them as their screaMs echo in your ears,
And as they take their fiNale breaths,
you rip and tear his mangled flesh,
these are the pleasures embraced by my family and we’d love to have you for dinner
Probably about time they sacked CEO David Novak and “blow him away” to paraphrase his caustic comments about his company’s chicken scandal in China, of which he must have been well aware.