Rich Chinese parent does rich Chinese parent thing, buys 2-year-old an apartment in New York City

New York Fucking City. Goddamnit.

I warn you in advance, everything that follows is merely the work of Envy, so it may not be appropriate for all audiences.

A rich fucking woman bought a prestigious New York City property recently, an apartment in the unifinished One57 tower on 57th St. between Sixth and Seventh Aves. For her piece of shit toddler. From the Telegraph:

“We were running around the city looking at things and I finally said: ‘Well why are you buying?’” Mr [Kevin] Brown said to CCTV, the Chinese state broadcaster. [Brown is senior vice president at Sotheby's International.]

“And she said, well, her daughter was going to go to Columbia, or NYU or maybe Harvard and so she needed to be in the centre of the city and that was why she was picking this one particular apartment. So I said: ‘Oh, how old is your daughter?’ and she said: ‘Well she’s two’. And I was just shocked.”

The building was designed by a Pritzker prize-winning architect.

Mr Brown said Chinese buyers now make up a quarter of his business, in dollar terms.

“What is more interesting is that two years ago, it was only 15 per cent. And before that it was five per cent,” he said. “Most Chinese want to be by Central Park, but they are not interested in the park view. They want a southern exposure.”

Southern exposure my fucking ass. Shitbag.

Chinese family buys £4 million New York flat for two-year-old (The Telegraph)

    6 Responses to “Rich Chinese parent does rich Chinese parent thing, buys 2-year-old an apartment in New York City”

    1. SeaHorse

      That 2 year old is gonna live the worst first world life ever. I mean it’s bad enough when your parents want you to go to Harvard but her apartment too? This girl sounds like she’s gonna live with zero autonomy in her life.

    2. Chinese Netizen

      Would be funny (albeit slightly sad) if said daughter became a coke whore that shags any guy that comes along with offers of a line or two and promises of love, inclusiveness and boosts of self esteem.

    3. A

      Not sure if the woman actually mentions she’s buying FOR her daughter. Maybe she’s buying for herself in anticipation of visiting said daughter when she does go Columbia. Doesn’t make it that much better, but anyway, buying property overseas is a good investment for the Chinese, regardless of their underlying reason. Plus, if said daughter does get into Harvard, she should be looking at places in Boston and not NYC.

    4. ISB Student

      Fuck you, Tao! My parents bought me property when I was a toddler, too. So what? I need a place to live when I’m studying up on joining the ranks of the next generation of leaders. Go cry a river with all the other plebes, faggot!


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