Laowai Comics: First-World Air

Laowai Comics

Laowai Comics is a biweekly webcomic. Beijing Cream is proud to debut its Thursday comic every week. Full archives here.

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    12 Responses to “Laowai Comics: First-World Air”

    1. A Quiver of Quims

      My Mother used to tell me to enjoy the Beano when I was a kid. “Just think about the heap of old shite being served up as comics to expats in China, son”, she would say. I didn’t listen. I also refused to believe her when she told me that Americans were ‘born without funny bones, every fackin’ one of ‘em, son!” I knew that last one wasn’t true as I was a big fan of The Cosby Show at the time.

      • Gar

        Normally, I don’t care for the trolls on LC, but, Quiver of Quims, that was fucking hilarious! Pay attention, trolls, if you’re going to be a troll, this is the new standard!

        The days of teen-esque drivel such as “your shit ahhhhhh” are now over.


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