Remember when Korean rapper PSY made the video for “Gangnam Style” and was thusly described in a Time headline as having the “best invisible horse-riding rap video” of the week? If you haven’t seen it yet, go here and watch (YouTube and Youku versions available). This post really was an excuse for you to go watch... Read more »
The WWE was in Shanghai on Saturday as part of its world tour, and put on quite the house show, it seems. We have highlights for you, above and after the jump on Youku for those in China, plus the full Daniel Bryan vs. Kofi Kingston match (even in China, Daniel Bryan remains thoroughly over) and the last half of an impressive Justin Gabriel vs. Jack Swagger contest. Garron Chiu, writing for, notes that the house was "pretty packed... about 25 percent taped off." He concludes, " Overall, this was a very good show and I advise everyone to go out of their way to watch a house show if they like longer matches, with the wrestlers clearly playing more toward the crowd."
For all the topics that Chinese TV news won’t touch for fear of upsetting the wrong censors, one subject they don’t shy away from is death, either on the road or, as is the case here, from a rooftop. Last Thursday at a residential compound in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, someone took out a camera and... Read more »
Xinhua News Agency is reporting that the manhunt for serial killer Zhou Kehua, 42, involved in a murder/robbery on Friday morning, is over. Zhou was shot and killed by police in Chongqing’s Shapingba District this morning. Classified as a “class-A” wanted suspect, he had racked up 5.4 million yuan’s worth of bounty on his head... Read more »
In an incident that reminds us of the Beijing hostage-taker that was taken out by a sniper last month, in Guangzhou Railway Station in Guangdong province on Saturday, a man holding a 10-year-old girl was likewise shot by police, and the hostage successfully saved (though not without injury; hearing it described, she got cut as... Read more »
The man seen with the knife is apparently Lu Jianbo, son of the deputy political commissar of the Jiangsu Province Public Security Bureau. The PSB's Weibo has confirmed that Lu is under "investigation," which should be aided by the video above, taken Friday night, in which Lu wields a knife at a woman on the ground, cutting her a reported 34 times (images after the jump).
One of the NBC announcers absolutely comes to life when he sees the chubby baby stir from its sleep. "Now that's what I call a rude awakening!" he chortles.
Remember the three migrant workers who rescued a woman from drowning in Qingdao? Another woman was rescued from drowning recently in Nanjing, but under completely different circumstances. The woman walked into a lake and kept going farther and farther from shore, ala Edna Pontellier in The Awakening. After her rescue by an out-of-town soldier surnamed Zhou,... Read more »