For something called Panda Awareness Week (PAW), which starts today, 108 people in panda costumes milled about Trafalgar Square, representing the 108 pandas living at Chengdu Panda Base. No kids, as far as we know, bawled their eyes out in sheer terror. China Daily tells us that the pandas did tai chi, some other stuff.... Read more »
Was just a matter of time before the nationalistic sentiment on the streets of Hong Kong spilled over into daily life, right?
Posted yesterday, this Sina video depicts a young Hong Kong man with a Bruno Mars hairstyle cursing out a mainland woman and her daughter on the subway.
Judging by that description alone, you wouldn't be surprised if I told you it's been watched more than 1 million times, would you?
From where we sit and judging by the videos we’ve seen, the situation in Shifang, Sichuan yesterday looked a lot like a riot that was trying to happen but never materialized. In the above, people stand around while tear gas goes off around them. In the second video, which appears after the jump (along with the... Read more »
I don't know why, but this made me laugh. Maybe it's the extra-nasally way the man pronounces the J in Beijing. Maybe it's because I feel like he's ready to vomit the words "chicken burger," such is his rising disdain. Maybe the title of the video itself -- Crazy McDonalds employee sells Sloppy Beijing Burger. Or maybe it's the idea of him turning off his camera, getting out of his car, and marching straight back into the McDonald's to return the burger, like he said he would... or the thought that he just might not turn the camera off while he does this.
I’m embarrassed to have gone so long without posting this, but last month, Chengdu tourism officials created a commercial promoting black-and-white “panda cabs” in London using Kate Middleton, Prince William, and the Queen impersonators, and the Daily Mail tells us, in its article yesterday, that Britons aren’t too happy about it. Is it because the... Read more »
Chinese president Hu Jintao was in Hong Kong over the weekend as part of the 15th-year anniversary celebration of Hong Kong's handover from the UK. Yesterday, he dropped by the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center to swear in the somewhat unpopular Leung Chun-ying as new chief executive, but before he could, a demonstrator tried to interrupt his speech with pro-democracy slogans such as, "Vindicate June 4 [referring to those killed near Tiananmen in 1989]" and "End one-party dictatorship, establish a democratic China." Hu, we imagine, didn't even blink -- because he never does, since he is a robot.
Chinese president Hu Jintao landed in Hong Kong on Friday to take part in a three-day trip to commemorate 15 years since the colony was handed back to China from the UK (today is anniversary day, actually). Watch him make prepared comments to assembled media, above -- but only if you're well rested or caffeinated. I'm falling asleep just replaying the scene in my mind. The worst part about it is: he's not even saying something important or, for god's sake, solemn. He's being a wet sock for the hell of it, I think. Hu Jintao, world's greatest troll.
Now we know what kind of explosion results when a tanker with 40 tons of gasoline crashes. Early Friday morning in Guangzhou, thousands were abruptly woken when an oil tanker truck collided with another vehicle, setting off a tremendous explosion and fire that reportedly covered 2,000-square meters. The Associated Press reported on this about an hour ago,... Read more »
The singularity approaches ever closer. At a restaurant in Harbin, Heilongjiang province called Haohai Robot Themed Restaurant (昊海机器人主体餐厅), robots greet customers, cook and serve food, and generally charm. Even WALL-E, the lovable protagonist in the Pixar movie by the same name, calls this place home*. We’re told that the restaurant employs 18 robots, each with... Read more »
We’ve documented here that chengguan — China’s urban management/street enforcement officers — are not generally favored by the people. You might think it unfair to call them street thugs, but that’s the reputation they’ve built for themselves, and while some chengguan, surely, are decent, it’s unfortunate that it will almost always be the bad apples who... Read more »