Of All People To Not Hit With A Car, A Traffic Cop Must Rank Near The Top

Via chinaSMACK. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

Because, you know, he can really easily give you a ticket, dock some driver’s points, as it were. I’d like to have seen this driver talk his way out of this one. “Sorry, officer — you were standing in the middle of the road.” I mean, he was.

Consider this your bonus Traffic Light video of the week.

    One Response to “Of All People To Not Hit With A Car, A Traffic Cop Must Rank Near The Top”

    1. Nestor Santana

      That is one tough cop, I wonder if they train for that: stays on his feet pretty well. And the lady driving the minivan being swarmed by cops, I’d like a cell phone tap of the “oh shit oh shit oh shit” as they move in on her.


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