Traffic Light: This Is Why It’s Important To Always Check The Blindside

Youku video for those in China after the jump.

Traffic Light (红绿灯) is a show on Beijing Television (BTV) that airs an ostensibly instructional segment called “Accidents That Should Never Happen.” Everything about it is ridiculous. The only way to make it more ridiculous is to watch it in slow motion, set to music.

The songs in the YouTube video are Tang Dynasty’s “Run” and “Fengchan Ji” :: 唐朝乐队《跑》,《封禅祭》.

The song in the Youku video is Hanggai (杭盖) – The Drinking Song.

|Traffic Light Archives (YouTube)| |Traffic Light Archives (Youku)|

    One Response to “Traffic Light: This Is Why It’s Important To Always Check The Blindside”

    1. Scott

      Yay Darwin Awards! These people made the leap from the donkey cart to the automobile in like 20 years. They have no fucking clue how to drive. I hope that dumbass didn’t have kids. Gene pool pollution.


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