As If You Need More Titanic, Here Is Its Theme Song On A Guzheng

Tudou video for those in China after the jump.

Via Shanghaiist, first we had a guzheng player cover Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep,” now we have a guzheng version of “My Heart Will Go On.”

On a related note, we already know Titanic 3D did the biggest-ever opening in China ever, raking in $58 million two weekends ago. But did you know People’s Daily is also a fan? In a translated editorial, Suo Yabin concludes, “Chinese ‘big movies’ still need improving a lot. While paying attention to the popular theme, smooth expression and amazing effects, they should pay more attention to James Cameron’s professional spirit of pursuing the perfect. Without the professional spirit, technologies will not only be unable to help the art but also ruin it.”

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