Mid-Week Links: Rumors people actually believed, Pathlight’s second issue, and a documentary about citizen journalists

Via H. Lincoln, ChinaB

We’re migrating all the Bo Xilai links from these last two and a half days to its own post, which will appear in 30 ninutes. For now, non-Bo links.

A list of Internet rumors considered crimes. By the way, there’s a bridge in Hunan I have for sale. Just one example: “Rumors that the HIV virus could be transmitted through food. The rumor spread via SMS and QQ. People who played critical roles in disseminating the message have been identified.” [Danwei]

London folk choose China to be the “Market Focus” at this year’s book fair. I wonder what people could possibly complain about… “Critics say the selection excludes dissident voices such as Gao Xingjian — China’s only Nobel literature laureate and a resident of France — and jailed writer and political activist Liu, who won the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.” [Reuters]

Corollary: You should download the literary magazine Pathlight’s second issue. [Paper Republic]

A good China reporter, preparing to leave us, offers thoughts on the environment. “In essence, what I am going to say is that I believe you are covering the most important story in the world, but that story is too often shunted into a cul-de-sac. It is necessary to be more assertive and to take the key issues into other areas – economics, politics, foreign affairs.” [Jonathan Watts, China Dialogue]

Couple of tin/aluminum anniversaries in the China blogosphere. Congrats go out to John of Sinosplice and Richard of Peking Duck for still being around.

One of my regrets, maybe: Never having experienced a visa run to Mongolia. “Some visa runners have had their China guidebooks confiscated if the books have maps that mark Taiwan as a separate country rather than a province of China, he says. And during one crossing, a border guard grilled him about what college he attended. ‘Harvard,’ he answered. Is Harvard’s president male or female, he says the guard demanded to know.” [Wall Street Journal]

Do you still hate him so much, Hong Kong? “Not yet in office, Hong Kong’s next top leader is already tackling one of the city’s most controversial issues—he wants mainland mothers to stay home.” [Wall Street Journal]

As they should. “Thirty researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences have protested against the nomination of a cigarette industry project for a national science award.” [Caixin]

“China” as political capital in the US. “It’s worth pointing out how this campaign ad goes to great lengths to emphasize Cruz’s role in representing the evil Chinese company against an American inventor. And nice touch, throwing in the random Sikh man for extra un-American color. You gotta love it.” [Angry Asian Man]

Facts and fiction about Chinese air.Fact or Fiction: A day of breathing Beijing air is like smoking a pack of cigarettes. This is fiction. I often hear apocalyptic statements about air pollution, especially the idea that breathing Beijing’s air is like smoking a pack a day. This statement is a bit extreme.” [My Health Beijing]

A Kickstarter project about citizen reporters Zola and “Tiger Temple” interlude (via Tech in Asia):


Overseas Chinese student accused of rape, family accused of bribing victim. [chinaSMACK]

Parents of slain USC students visit crime scene. [China Daily]

Rebecca MacKinnon on the “Not-So-Great Firewall.” [Foreign Policy]

The title says it all: “To Understand China, Does It Help To Be From Minnesota?” [Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Asia Society]

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