Fatal Accident Reminds Us That Stupidity Is Not A Victimless Pastime

This happened on May 23 but was reported just yesterday. Unlike in our previous video of The Road, the crash depicted here unfortunately resulted in fatalities… consider this your warning.

The driver in the video, Li Jian of Taizhou, Zhejiang province, is a repeat traffic offender, and after this latest incident, he should never be allowed near a car again. With utter disregard for the stoplight, clearly red, Li plows through two motorbikes, killing a mother and daughter, before crashing into a parked van. We’re not quite sure what his penalty will be, but fifty lashes, tar-and-feathering, three days in the stocks and amputation of the right foot seems appropriate. A stupid idea, sure — but commensurate, I think, with his stupid, stupid act. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

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