Friday Night Musical Outro: SUBS – Ship’s Log

SUBS, from Shanghai Beijing, is one of the many bands (at least 17) expected to play tomorrow at 2 Kolegas in Beijing as part of dazeFEAST, organized by Badr Benjelloun (more commonly known around these parts as Beijing Daze). SUBS is joined by another Shanghai band, Fever Machine, who we’ll feature them at another time. But for now, enjoy SUBS’s Ship’s Log — and drop us a note if you end up going to tomorrow’s extravaganza. Would love to hear about it. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

    2 Responses to “Friday Night Musical Outro: SUBS – Ship’s Log”

    1. Ruby

      Hey, thanks for promoting dazeFEAST! It was an awesome day, and we’re happy so many people came and enjoyed it.

      SUBS are actually a Beijing band! They play often and you can usually catch them at 2 Kolegas, Mao Livehouse, or other venues. Keep an eye on to see when they’re playing.


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