This Is Why You Should Never Play Real-Life Frogger

UPDATE, 6/28, 12:16 am: The YouTube video apparently violated some policy on “shocking and disgusting content.” The new embed is via Daily Motion, and of course, after the jump, the Youku video still works, because while Youku employs censors whom I’d happily punch in the face, it’s not moderated by a bunch of vestal ninnies.

This is not the first time within the last four months that someone playing real-life Frogger in China has been captured on video losing. In March, there was this (I added the music… it seemed appropriate at the time), in which a man sprinting across heavy traffic gets nailed by a van in the furthermost lane. Apparently that video wasn’t enough of a deterrence, a clear message that real-life Frogger is a bad idea. In the above (on Youku after the jump for those in China), two kids in Changde, Hunan province, out of boredom, sprint across four lanes. Then they sprint back. They successfully cross the road a third time. And then, during the fourth attempt, it’s game over for one of them.

The boy, luckily, suffered no life-threatening injuries, though his broken hip will probably keep him from sprinting anywhere for a long while.

    5 Responses to “This Is Why You Should Never Play Real-Life Frogger”

    1. Anon

      I’m not condoning the actions of the children; however I also cannot help but notice that the offending vehicle appears to be…

      A) Travelling along the centre of the road, veering towards the wrong side, and makes contact with the child *on the wrong side of the road*.

      B) Travelling at a speed that is well above the relative speeds of the other vehicles.

      Not only should children be educated about playing chicken with their lives, but drivers should be educated on how to avoid claiming them.

      • Chauncey Faddass

        The taxi moved out of lane because of the motorized rikshaw was making a poor lane change. So, yeah, had he kept his lane, things may have worked out but this is ALL on the dumb ass kids. That is simply Darwin at work.

    2. Mano

      Good that this happened. I have had kids playing this game run out in front of my before as well. The more of them that stop the better, no mater how they end up stopping.


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