Benz Hits Car, Causing It to Hit More Cars, Causing A Shop To Burn Down

In the early hours of Wednesday, a Mercedes Benz — going quite fast, if I may say — bumped the back of a sedan in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, causing both drivers to lose control. The two vehicles were suddenly in a race to see who would crash first. (Answer: tie?) They nicked three other cars before slamming to a stop, causing a shop’s hot water heater to catch on fire. Four firefighting units on 12 fire trucks arrived at the scene, but because five cars successively burned, nearly everything in the store’s first floor was turned to ash. There were differing levels of damage on the second and third floors as well.

About the music in his video: I have very little to say about the it except that it somehow made my viewing experience better. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

(H/T Alicia)

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