Driver Bowls Over Five Girls Standing In Middle Of Road, Then Flees [Graphic]

We have no idea why the girls were standing in the middle of the lane, or how the driver of the white Audi didn’t see them, or why the black sedan next to the Audi was going so fast.

We’ll just tell you all we do know: that this happened on Saturday in Haining, Zhejiang province, that one of the girls died, and that the male driver tried to flee. (It’s unclear whether he got back in his car and drove away, because we don’t see that in the video.) He has since turned himself in to police. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

(H/T Alicia)

    3 Responses to “Driver Bowls Over Five Girls Standing In Middle Of Road, Then Flees [Graphic]”

    1. Car Nut

      It looks like the two cars were street racing and the young man driving the white car was concentrating on how far ahead the driver of the other car was, instead of looking where he was going.

      It appears the front driver and passenger side windows are tinted (see when he steps out of the car).

    2. Chinese Netizen

      Fault: Idiot chicks in middle of street. Probably watching their modern day knights in shining armour dueling on the streets in a race for their affection.

      • Car Nut

        The way pedestrians act here- it’s as if they can’t imagine that the flat paved surface where the cars go back and forth, might have cars going back and forth.

        And a total ignorance of what happens to a human when they are hit by a car.


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