Friday Night Musical Outro: Free The Birds – Take It Off

The first time I saw Helen Feng (冯海宁) on stage, she delivered, bar none, the most convincing impression of a coked up rock star I’d seen in Beijing. Spotting her after the show — this is when she was still with Pet Conspiracy — it was clear she was not, in fact, under the influence of hard drugs, but the performance was part of her charm and her skill, her ability to fully inhabit the stage and make it impossible for you to take your eyes off her.

She’s back with her old band (and best band, some will say), Free the Birds (formerly ZIYO), preparing to embark on a European tour. The above is a live ZIYO performance of “Take It Off” from the 2010 FunHill Music Festival outside of Beijing. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

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