Friday Night Musical Outro: Misandao – Skinhead Never Walks Alone

First things first: the “skinhead” in this title is not a reference to white supremacists/Nazis, which pretty much is the reason this video on YouTube has been viewed more than 600,000 times since it was uploaded on December 14, 2007. The Youku version has a paltry 2,357 views by comparison. Misando (蜜三刀) is an old-school Beijing punk band, and you can bet they wouldn’t have lasted this long as racists. They’ll be playing at the 9th annual Punk Festival at Mao Livehouse over the weekend. We wish we could tell you whether they’re scheduled for Saturday or Sunday, but this “festival” is promoted so poorly that it’s not even on Mao Livehouse’s website. So it goes. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

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