Man Who Forgot His Keys Tries To Rappel Into His Apartment, Which Does Not Work At All

Well, dude, at least you tried. You tried really hard, and you failed equally hard, and the lesson here is that the universe is capable of negating our very best efforts in the most spectacular fashion.

The story: the man, surnamed Jian, is a city management official who was called on to check a water leakage from the roof. He forgot his keys and couldn’t get back in his apartment, so he strung a hemp rope around his armpits and tried to lower himself into his sixth-floor window. After he was left dangling for 20 minutes — cause, you know, physics — rescue workers arrived on the scene and realized the rope was in danger of breaking any moment, so they told him not to move, let the professionals take over.

The man was unconscious and had to be carried to the ambulance. He’ll be just fine, assuming his wounded pride doesn’t fester. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

(H/T Alicia)

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