A Beijing Street-Cleaning Truck Decided To Clean The Streets With Water While It Was Raining

Now, there’s a possibility that these street-cleaning trucks use something more than water to clean the streets, some kind of chemical spray, perhaps, that cleans concrete better than… rainwater. (If that’s the case, I’m never biking near these things again.)

Otherwise… no, we don’t get this, either.

Thanks to The Good Doctor for taking this video. Youku version for those in China after the jump.

    3 Responses to “A Beijing Street-Cleaning Truck Decided To Clean The Streets With Water While It Was Raining”

    1. A

      We’ll be thankful when we find out that what’s in that spray coming out of the truck is some magical chemical formula that cleans and breaks down dirt on the streets, harmful oil and pollutants from car exhausts and all that trash and food restaurants leave on the sidewalks into something cleaner, and less clogging for the sewers.


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