Sun Tzu’s Classic, “The Art Of War,” Refashioned As Dystopian Graphic Novel

Sun Tzu’s The Art of War has been around for more than 2,000 years, and it may be a timeless classic, but it’s about time it got a reboot.

Enter Kelly Roman, whose graphic novel The Art of War is set in a dystopian future and samples from the ancient military treatise. Explains China Daily‘s Kelly Chung Dawson, the book “overlays Sun Tzu’s text against a revenge story set 20 years in the future, in an imagined time in which Wall Street has become militarized and China is the dominant global superpower. The eponymous hero, Kelly Roman, has returned from serving time in prison for a friendly-fire incident in military combat, to find that his brother has been murdered while working for Sun Tzu, the head of a powerful financial company controlled by Chinese interests.”

If that’s not enough of a synopsis, check out some panels over at Brain Pickings, or just watch the trailer. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

(H/T Alicia)

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