French “Spiderman” Alain Robert Scales Henan Skyscraper

Another day, another French daredevil does something in a central China province. We saw rollerman Jean-Yves Blondeau zoom down Hunan province’s Mt. Tianmen in July, now it’s Alain Robert scaling the world’s tallest steel structure, the Central Plains Fortaleza tower in Zhengzhou, Henan province. According to reports, yesterday Robert climbed to a platform 268 meters up on the 388-meter structure, taking about two hours.

You know how we have a huge list of phobias to describe irrational tics of the human psyche? What about the opposite — the equally irrational desire for risk. There’s no reason acrophilia or aeroacrophilia shouldn’t be in the dictionary. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

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