Somewhat Foolishly, Man Climbs Electricity Pylon To Mess With Bird’s Nest, Gets Stuck

Because we’re generous, let’s file this under “poor planning.” Three days ago, a 46-year-old man in Anhui province, surnamed Han, decided to climb a 30-meter-high electricity pylon to steal eggs out of a bird’s nest. More than halfway up, it seems he lost his nerve, and like a cat stuck in a tree, required the assistance of rescue workers. The electricity flow to the tower had to be shut off, and an air cushion set up underneath the man. Can you think of anything he could have said to save face once he got down? Brownie points to anyone who comes up with something passable. You can’t use “fugue state” — Walter White’s already used that one. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

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