Woman, Wailing And Resisting, Dragged Away By Traffic Cops

One of the more popular Youku videos from last week, with 264,000 views, this recent incident in Changsha, HubeiHunan province has people talking. The woman in the picture was allegedly riding a motorized scooter in a part of town where they weren’t allowed, and when she resisted something or other, traffic cops (possibly chengguan) decided to drag her away. When someone tried to film the proceeding, the camera got tossed into the grass. The woman’s off-camera wails are far scarier when that’s all you hear. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

    4 Responses to “Woman, Wailing And Resisting, Dragged Away By Traffic Cops”

    1. narsfweasels

      It’s like something from a horror movie. The police are trained in restraint techniques, so this woman should have been cuffed and then bundled. Dragging her like that could constitute excessive force.

      And then throwing the camera away? To me, that suggests someone is doing wrong.


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