Rappelling has never had a finer day.
On Tuesday afternoon, a fire department in Xining, Qinghai province in western China fielded a call about a man who was threatening to kill himself after a domestic dispute. When rescue workers arrived, they found him on the ledge of a bedroom window, both feet dangling outside, and clutching a two-year-old child in his arms. Was he planning on jumping with the toddler to make this a suicide-murder? And all because of a disagreement with his wife, as Xinhua reports?
No one was about to wait to find out. After setting up an inflatable cushion underneath the window, firefighters set in motion a bold plan involving a man rappelling from the floor above and kicking the suicidal man inside, to safety. Watch what happens. Youku video for those in China after the jump, plus pictures via Xinhua.

Wow. This is cool. You wouldn’t think Chinese municipal workers would be capable of this.