Villagers Flock To Collect Shallow Puddle Of “Holy” Water That Is The Very Opposite Of Holy

Residents in Wenling, Zhejiang province have been going cuckoo over a certain puddle of water recently, ever since a resident had his skin disease miraculously “cured” after bathing from that puddle. Some people now think the water is “holy,” capable of curing hundreds of diseases, because why not?

The old woman in this Dongfang Satellite TV newscast is simply the saddest. Asked why she’s here retrieving water, she replies, “I don’t know. Right now, everyone all says it cures illness, cures illness, but what illness, I don’t know.” Jesus, woman.

On Tuesday, the mountain water was put through scientific tests, and guess what? It’s not only unholy, but also seriously dirty — sewage, basically. Instead of curing illness, it can cause it. What a shame. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

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