Watch: Obama And Romney Talk China At Third Presidential Debate, Plus Analysis From Joseph Stiglitz

At the third and final presidential debate on Monday, Governor Mitt Romney backed off claims he made in the previous debate to go hard on China. But as New Yorker’s Evan Osnos notes, “But in China, to be frank, nobody takes it all that seriously. Romney’s tack toward the middle in his final debate (a theme that my colleague John Cassidy explores in his post today) seemed to foreshadow to a Chinese audience the kind of softening that is consistent with a pattern that has run through three decades of American foreign policy: candidates who rail against China on the stump rarely follow through if they win, because China stops being a convenient foil and becomes instead a complicated reality.” (The rest of that article respectfully paints Romney as utterly clueless and generally wrong when it comes to China.)

If you’d like to hear Obama and Romney’s discussion about this country, Wall Street Journal has you covered with the above video (on Youku for those in China after the jump).

And then watch Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize-winning economist, talk to Reuters about Romney’s “scary” stance toward China and the potential trade war that America would probably lose.


(H/T Malcolm Riddell)

    3 Responses to “Watch: Obama And Romney Talk China At Third Presidential Debate, Plus Analysis From Joseph Stiglitz”

    1. bert

      Something to add Ryan? No? Okay then.

      I am just curious as to why the past 4 years of Obama’s not keeping promises and buying votes from minorities and the unemployed raises no criticism, but there is a continuous posting of why Romney will be bad for the USA? I am not disagreeing with Mr Tao and if I am being rude I am sorry, it isn’t my intention, I am just asking why (it seems) he likes Obama. Is that unfair? There must be an opposite to the anti-Romney-ness. Maybe not?


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