Wife And Son Of Famous Artist Li Laoshi Involved In Serious Brawl

The wife and son of famous painter Li Laoshi, who killed himself by jumping off a building in 1996, were caught on taught recently in a nasty, violent brawl that left the wife seriously injured.

The timestamp on the video says September 21, but this was posted to Youku just two days ago and has already been viewed 1.5 million times. You’ll see a dispute turn violent quickly, with both parties wielding weapons. (Perhaps the cause was over the vehicles blocking the road?) The wife unsuccessfully tries to hold the son back, and soon finds herself in the middle of the fray. Near the one-minute mark, a man blindsides her with a heavy blow to the head using what looks like a stick or club. She’s knocked out cold — and lucky to not be more severely injured, even killed.

We don’t have any other information at this moment, but will update this post as necessary. The spectacle of the fight will have to do for now.

    4 Responses to “Wife And Son Of Famous Artist Li Laoshi Involved In Serious Brawl”

    1. Gay_Chevara

      I’m very surprised that reality tv is not a big hit in China. It would be perfect for their voyeuristic needs. But then I guess Youku is all the reality tv they need.

    2. bert

      They might fight like “bitches” but they certainly don’t seem to have any clue about attempted murder. These people pick up weapons and use them without thinking that a club to the head can be fatal. They are seriously ignorant.

    3. laoshir

      Ryan has no clue about Chinese culture. If you have ever lived as a foreigner in China you would understand the brutality of their fighting styles, especially fighting. I’ve seen two store clerks fight like animals over their prices. Hey the Middle Kingdom is a whole new planet.


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