Chasing Down Car Thief, Man Gets His Bag Stolen As Well

Talk about the ultimate bad day. On Sunday morning, a man in Shenzhen popped into a convenience store for a quick purchase. He left his car running and his door open (never do this, by the way), thinking nothing could possibly happen since he’d only be away for one minute. But then, in plain sight, he sees someone hop into his car and drive away, so he sprints out of the store…

While trying to intercept, the car owner throws his bag at his own car. That does nothing. The owner givs chase, which also does nothing. The thief escapes, along the way colliding with another vehicle and ruining the car’s paint job.

And then, nonchalantly, a dude on a scooter swings by, picks up the car owner’s fallen bag, and makes like a tree.

It’s difficult to not feel sorry for a guy whose car and handbag were stolen in one fell swoop. Then again — he was kinda asking for it, placing his trust in the benevolence non-malevolence of strangers. WTF, right? Youku video for those in China after the jump.

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