Chillax With These Beautiful Images And Stunning Time-Lapse From Guangzhou, Shanghai And Shenzhen

From Vimeo user , here’s one of the better China videos you’ll see anywhere. Here’s what Random Wire had to say about it: “Living inside one of China’s behemoth cities is a humbling experience, such is the enormity of their size and the human endeavours taking place there… [zweizwei's video] captures everyday life in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Shanghai extremely well – sunshine and smog included. Despite the endless sea of people streaming in from all over the country for the opportunities they provide, these cities can be strangely impersonal and isolating…”

In other words: you’ll like this.

Music is Enter the Dragon – OST – The Island, and Passion Pit – Swimming in the Flood. The video page if you’re interested in camera information.

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