Friday Night Musical Outro: The Fever Machine – La Chupacabra

Shanghai favorites the Fever Machine will be in Beijing tomorrow to hold a release party for its two-song, 7-inch vinyl record, La Chupacabra. The guys will play a free show at Temple Bar starting at 9:30 pm, with the first 60 through the door receiving a free copy of the record. (They’ll play Shanghai’s Yuyintang on December 1, with free records going to the first 250.) The outfit’s Beijing-based label, Genjing Records, describes it as combining “the swirling, spacey elements of psychedelia with progression song structures,” with “melodic pop hooks” and the “grime of stoner rock and proto-metal without buffering out the dents.” See for yourself: featured here, the album’s title track (also after the jump on Youku for those in China).

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