Bull In Wuhan Escapes Slaughterhouse: Watch It Dash For Freedom, Cause Three-Hour Traffic Jam

This is kind of a sad story not at all befitting the circus music in the video, with no comedic kick. A bull in Wuhan, Hubei province managed to escape from its slaughterhouse on Saturday — who knows what inspirational dash it made, eluding its human captors while cheered by his fellow inmates as if it were Chief running toward a rising sun, a new life, freedom. In the movie version of this — Buffalo: Bull in the City — our protagonist would be adopted by an idiosyncratic old zookeeper with a heart of gold and live out its life as a chaperone for dogs and cats.

This bull here ran against traffic, caused a three-hour jam, seriously pissed off the officers chasing him, evacuated itself (it appears) near the end, and — as we speak — has probably been slaughtered and is headed toward someone’s plate. #RealLife

    4 Responses to “Bull In Wuhan Escapes Slaughterhouse: Watch It Dash For Freedom, Cause Three-Hour Traffic Jam”

    1. terroir

      Even in the afterlife, steak from this bull is bound to fall off your plate in a mistaken attempt to make a break from it.

      Barring that, this steak is all gristle that will continue to fight its way out of your lower intestines, slither through a pipe of the worse filth imaginable and finally escape to freedom to hold up its arms in triumph in the rain like Tim Robbins from “Shawshawk”.


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