Naturalized US citizen accused of being a Triad, tortured by Guangdong police, say lawyers

The Daily Beast has this strange tale of a Chinese American businessman who found himself arrested by police in Guangdong province on (trumped-up? fake?) charges of being a Triad member:

But Wu’s American dream would soon become a Chinese nightmare. For years, he had been embroiled in a legal fight with a former Chinese police official who tried to steal Wu’s lucrative wholesale-produce market business in the southern province of Guangdong. After a decade of litigation, China’s supreme court ruled in Wu’s favor in February. Little did he know, Chinese law was again going to be used against him.

In June, Wu, 54, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was arrested not far from the wholesale market, along with 40 other people who worked there, including janitors and security guards. As they led him away in handcuffs, the police made a shocking accusation: Wu was not just a successful businessman, but a member of a notorious Chinese mafia known as the Triads.

Torture follows. And why can’t the US Consulate do a single thing to help this American citizen?

And yet the terrible irony of this case is that Wu’s American citizenship offers him no protection because he entered China using his Hong Kong ID rather than his U.S. passport. That fateful decision has allowed the Chinese government to ban all access from U.S. consular officials, since China does not recognize dual-nationality.

Go give the article a read and see if you don’t also come away with more questions than answers.

U.S. Businessman’s Chinese Legal Nightmare Includes Torture, Lawyers Say (The Daily Beast)

    4 Responses to “Naturalized US citizen accused of being a Triad, tortured by Guangdong police, say lawyers”

    1. Jay

      And he’ll probably die in that prison, by the order of Lin Qiang (the corrupt former police official)

      If his family wants to save him, he’s probably got just one choice. Bribe the official, and pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars to get their father back.

      You cannot rely on the rule of law in China.

      The law means almost nothing in China. Relationships are everything.

    2. RhZ

      Nothing to see here folks, China tortures people and steals people’s businesses every day. Why do you think people want to join the party?

      If China doesn’t torture anymore, then the party is dead.

    3. solstice

      Serves him right. Entering the country “illegally” and having a dual citizenship which is not allowed in China. Having a U.S. passport does not guarantee you the right to anything.

      • RhZ

        Wow you are really an asshole aren’t you?

        Wait til its your ass getting beat down at the police station. Will it ‘serve you right’ for whatever sins you have committed in your life?

        Thousands of people do exactly the same thing, because China doesn’t allow dual citizenship. You would like to see all of them tortured, wouldn’t you?

        Apparently, having a US passport doesn’t guarantee you the right not to be tortured. Then again, who said it did?



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