We Take Back Every Bad Thing We Said About The Beijing International Magic Convention, Thanks To Yann Frisch

Modern magic is as much about presentation as illusion, because we’ve all seen elephants disappear, women sawed in half, men levitate.

Please turn your attention to France’s Yann Frisch, who nailed the above cups-and-balls trick at the inaugural China Beijing International Magic Convention last week. The video has gotten more than 1 million views since being posted December 1, and one can see why: not for the illusion itself, which is rather simple (quick hands, maybe someone under the table), but the build-up, the storytelling, the execution that must have taken years to perfect, the Godot-esque absurdity and humor of it all.

Frisch won the title of “Champion du Monde” at the convention; we’re sure you’ll hear from him again. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

(H/T Marshall Wang)

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