Cops Petition Against Charge Of Police Brutality, Get Beaten Up

The above video, posted two days ago, depicts about 20 staffers of Liaoning province’s Anshan District People’s Procuratorate beating five petitioners on September 29, 2010.

It’s no secret that police officers often beat and humiliate petitioners to deter people from further petitioning. But this time, those on the receiving end of the abuse were themselves cops.

According to local news, the Procuratorate accused five officers of using torture during interrogations. The officers denied the charge, petitioned in front of the Procuratorate building, and were promptly beaten.

It’s predictable how the Anshan District Security Bureau handled this case – no investigation, no punishment, nothing. They simply asked those involved to remain silent.

So what we have here are police, accused of brutality, being brutalized by what might be other police. The irony would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

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